Kyle’s 50th!

Toast to Kyle:

10 years ago Kyle and I had just moved in together in Fort Greene.  For his 40th I ordered a red velvet photo cake with a picture of Mazzy on it. It was hilarious and fitting – and we celebrated with friends at Hot Bird on Atlantic (now gone!) and Uncle Jeff surprised Kyle for the occasion.  It was a great night. Two months later we were engaged. 

Now flash forward to 2021 and here we are 10 years later with two “super good kiddos” surrounded by amazing friends and family at the extraordinary Pond Place, Kyle’s vision.  And Uncle Jeff is here with us again!  Wow. The Hardy and Kyle of 2010 couldn’t have / wouldn’t have imagined… I love you so much Kyle and am so proud of you, and all that you have achieved in your career and done for our family.   

Here’s to 50 more! 


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